Annual General Meeting 2023

Notice convening the Annual General Meeting of Ærø Jazz Festival:

An Annual General Meeting is hereby convened – Monday d. 24/10 kl. 19 in Ærø Guest House, Vestergade 60, 5970 Ærøskøbing.

To participate, you must be a member of the association Ærø Jazzfestival and have paid a membership fee for the current year.

Agenda of the Annual General Meeting:

l: Election of conductor

2: Report of the Board of Directors

3: Presentation and approval of audited accounts

4: Presentation of budget for the coming financial year

5: Determination of annual quota for the coming year

6: Consideration of proposals received

7: Choice of:

a: Board of Directors

b: Alternates

c: Accountant

8: Possibly

Proposals for the annual general meeting must be sent to the chairman no later than 8 days before, to mail:

We hope for a large turnout – well met!


Mogens Kingo – chairman.