We have many fantastic partners and sponsors on Ærø – just look at our sponsor list which is updated up to the festival. Herewith an invitation to visit them during the festival. In some of them, the creativity and desire to also contribute with jazz concerts, events and benefits for bracelet holders sprouts. We regularly update the page below, so keep an eye out for all the wonderful benefits a wristband for Ærø Jazz Festival gives you. Buy bracelets here

Satellite concerts The house band plays six concerts around the island.
Check out our house band concert range.
On Friday and Saturday, they will visit Café Arthur and Ærø Vin in Søby, and in Ærøskøbing they play at KEFS Guesthouse, Azurra Vino, Ærø Strand Camping, and the Iværk market in the facility. The grocery store. Torvet 5, Ærøskøbing. Købmandsgården’s courtyard and bar is the weekend watering place for many residents of Ærøskøbing. Here, Rikke and Lennart, with their sense of high quality, aesthetics and atmosphere, have created the most enjoyable setting for the city’s residents and many guests. There is a concert every day during the jazz with a barbecue buffet. We pass by during the Street Parade.
Read more about Købmandsgården hereÆrø Brewery. Vandværksvej 5, Ærøskøbing (Store Rise). Janni at the Brewery is Ærø Jazz’s creative partners, faithful support and the one behind the lovely organic beer that flows in the taps at the Shipyard. Therefore, take a trip out to the brewery, which in itself is worth an experience. Here you can listen to Ærø Special Big Band while enjoying food from the grill. Reservation for lunch is necessary. Read more hereGallery Aio Kai, Brogade 9 This is where our sweet volunteers Gerlinde and Poul are located.
Gerlinde with his beautiful paintings and art invites you inside on Thursday at 19.00 to a concert with Ærø Special in their backyard.
The concert is free. EventsAFTER PARTY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Landbogården. After the concerts at the Shipyard, you are invited to the coolest After Party at Landbogården in Vestergade. From 23.00 – 02.00 there is fun, party and dancing at Gertrud and Jacob’s, which is open for the party-loving jazz guests. Knitwear and Jazz Saturday d. 3.8 at 14.30 – 16.30 at The Old Shipyard.
In Garna (the yarn and paint shop at Torvet) the two sisters Birgitte and Annette live together with Birgitte’s daughter Sabrina. They often arrange knitting evenings around and this year they arrange ‘knitting and jazz’ on Saturday afternoons at the shipyard. The shipyard is open without a music wristband until 4.30 p.m. if you want to join.
Write to Birgitte on velkommen@garna.dk and get a place in the knitting circle. Hoteland Restaurant Arnfeldt – with Erwin Lautarbach – with Erwin LautarbachFriday d.
August 2,
Smedegade 33 The young Danish/French couple Manja and Ariel are staying at Hotel Arnfeldt, where they have guest chefs from all over the world.
This year, Erwin Lauterbach will come on Friday d.
2 August, on the occasion of jazz.
Hurry up and book your table for this very special evening, where young Ariel from the Parisian restaurant scene cooks together with the great legend and Danish master chef.
Read more here. We will pass by during the Street Parade.Creutz Bookstore, Vestergade 47. At Creutz, Janne is based, and has over the past few years built a sublime bookstore with the most beautiful literary works, and the latest publications.
In addition to games for children and drawing materials, she also sells the most delicious cold wines, and Ærøskøbing’s best Champagne.
During jazz, you get 10% off Tintin and art books.
Definitely worth a visit.
See more here. The Monica, Brogade 16. The Monica is Ærøskøbing’s unique luxury boutique hotel. Here Monica Conradsen picks about her guests, who usually rent the entire hotel – 3 rooms – and stay a few days. During the jazz festival, she opens the courtyard during the Street Parade, Wednesday the day.
31.7 around 13.00.
Read much more about The Monica here. Landbogården, Vestergade 54. At Landbogården you get a very special experience when Getrud serves and Jacob swings the pots. Therefore, take a dinner between the concerts at the festival. Jacob’s legendary Jazz Jambalaya is a must during the festival, in addition to which you can buy absinth. There is a reduced price for jazz guests with wristbands all four days during the festival. Read more about Landbogaarden hereBang’s Mad & Vinbar, Vestergade 39. Lars Bang Mumm is based in Vestergade, where he has taken over from Heidi (Spiseriet) and fulfilled his great wish to create a food and wine bar for locals and guests on the island. Lars makes the most delicious French 3-course menu outside the tourist season, and in the summer months he serves a large selection of tasteful tapas boards, in his beautiful courtyard. This year, Lars offers Take-Away Tapas, so you can call, order and pick up at the Shipyard.
Find the number here. We will pass by under Street Parade.Café on the square, Torvet 7, Ærøskøbing.
Gunnar is once again behind the hotel and café on the square, in the center of Ærøskøbing.
Gunnar and the team are looking forward to having fun with the festival guests. Here, during the jazz days, you get a small beer for free, when you buy lunch when you show your wristband. Kraut & Koala, Ærøskøbing harbour 4. Ærø’s new food duo from Germany and Australia, Jarya & Mario, create the most delicious small dishes from local ingredients in their newly opened café at the harbor. During the festival, they create a couple special dish for the guests that is easy to take with you.
This year, you can buy bratwurst with homemade bread.
It’s only Friday and Saturday.
Check them out here. Ærøskøbing Is, Torvet 1. Ærøskøbing has a new ice cream dairy, which also serves sandwhich and drinks, in the middle of the cozy square in Ærøskøbing. Heidi Thrane (from Spiseriet and Det Lille Hotel) is the woman behind the ice cream and the food. Here you can get an optional sandwhich and a beer for DKK 125, normal price 143. Read more about the new ice cream dairy here. Søsterk, Vestergade 48. Søstærk is Ærøskøbing’s unique house-printing shop. And it’s more ‘art’ than there is ‘craft’. Søstærk is worth a visit, for anyone with an aesthetic sense, and a love for the old printing art. In the store there is 10% on all items, for guests with bracelets. Read more about the store here.Købmandsgården, Torvet 5. At Rikke and Lennart’s, delicious sandwhich is served with 1 beer, for a 110 DKK – normal price 124, for guests with wristbands.
Read more about Købmandsgaarden here, we will pass by during Street Parade.Uldgården in Breininge, Tværby 3, Breininge In idyllic Breininge you will find the wool farm, where you can get beautiful, soft and local unique woollen goods.
During the jazz they offer liqueur tasting to all jazz guests.
So take a short break and hop on the free bus and stop by the wool farm.
See more here.LINEN By Krebs, Vestergade 64 Mette Krebs is located in the shop Linen By Krebs, where you can buy the most beautiful linen clothes.
On the occasion of the festival, she gives 20% on linen scarves if you show your jazz bracelet.
In addition, The street parade past Restaurant Mumm, Café Aroma and Hotel Ærøhus.
In Marstal, the parade will pass by Ærø Optik, SuperBrugsen, Prinsebroen, Ballast and Fru Berg.